Surveying Services for Landowners

Axis Surveys offer a range of Surveying services throughout SE Qld and across the border into northern NSW.
We are leaders in surveying services for landowners since 2001.
We visit thousands of sites every year and we specialize in dealing with lots of little jobs PROMPTLY and efficiently.
Our FOCUS is partnering with our clients to deliver the outcomes they need and expect from us.
Understanding what you need from us to complete your project and the timing of when it needs to be done is critical – we need to know what you are doing or wanting to do so we can give you the surveying advice you need to keep your project moving along with PRECISION
Axis Surveys offers most surveying services and if we can’t provide a particular service, we can recommend another partner consultancy who can – just ask us.
Our main core services for landowners are :-

1) Contour Survey
Industry standard contour survey that maps the landform, elevations, vegetation, features and services of a vacant site to enable building designers and architects to design new buildings or renovations from.

2) Detail Survey
In addition to the contour survey information (see adjoining) detail surveys include any improvements such as buildings, retaining walls, concrete, fences, adjoining buildings, utility services and if required setbacks to boundaries and floor levels and roof peaks of relevant buildings.

3) House set out
As part of the construction process a surveyor is needed to calculate and mark relevant building corners or offsets and to position the building correctly for the builder. Typically, boundary work will be required to certify the setout points in relation to the property boundaries (see below).

4) Boundary Identification Survey
A boundary identification survey (ident survey), reinstates and marks the property boundaries of an existing lot. The process involves historical survey plans, searching for survey marks, locating improvements and preparing a report. Ident surveys in Qld require Government lodgment of a survey plan and notifying affected neighbours. Axis Surveys completes more ident surveys than any other surveyor in Queensland.

5) Ground Level Assessment
In most local government areas “ground level” is defined in the Town Plan. The elevations as measured on the ground may not represent the actual “ground level”. Axis Surveys can do an assessment and provide our clients with a ground level plan for their building designers or architects to work from.

6) Height Certificates
Builders, certifiers and some councils require height certification of finished floor levels and roof heights from a surveyor to ensure the “as constructed” heights are in accordance with the approved or supplied plans. It is best to seek advice from a surveyor before starting building.

7) Location Certificates
This service involves locating an existing structure or feature in relation to the property boundaries and preparing a suitable plan to accompany the location certificate.

8) Subdivisions
Subdivisions (also known as reconfiguring a lot), also includes boundary realignment, and involves making an application to the local authority to create additional lots or realign existing lots. The process starts with a proposal plan and ends with the registration of the survey plan of subdivision and the issue of new titles. Axis Surveys is able to manage this whole process with the assistance of our associated consultants.

9) Australian Height Datum (AHD) & Flood Level Plans
AHD in simple terms approximates the height of a particular point above sea level. AHD is critical in flood prone or drainage problem areas or when needing to connect into services such as sewer or stormwater. With a known flood level Axis Surveys can mark the level on the ground or prepare a plan showing the extent of flooding over a particular site.

10) Unit or Town House Developments
Axis Surveys provides a range of services in relation to Community Title subdivisions. To create separate titles within a building is usually done through a Building Format Survey which normally requires the creation of a “Body Corporate”. Town House developments (also known as a Group Title), are a form of land subdivision using a Standard Format Plan, with a lesser requirement on services than a traditional subdivision, and also usually require the creation of a “Body Corporate”.

11) Encroachments & Boundary Dispute Resolution
The position of structures on or near a boundary can only be determined by carrying out a boundary identification survey (ident survey), and preparing a boundary identification survey plan that shows our findings. Only a Cadastral Surveyor can legally identify boundaries and locate fences, retaining walls and other structures in relation to the boundaries. Don’t assume the fences are correct they may not be.